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  • in reply to: IP68 certification #1064
    OD Points: 181

    I think this is impossible with a pop up camera…
    Or really expensive to developpe.

    in reply to: Visibilité ? #913
    OD Points: 181

    J’ai eu un contact avec le Youtuber, malheureusement comme tu l avais mentionné il y a quelques temps il demande minimum un prototype pour pouvoir faire de la pub.

    J aurais tenté, après il m’a dit de ne pas hésiter a revenir vers lui lorsque se sera le cas :).

    in reply to: Visibilité ? #790
    OD Points: 181


    Je ne me rappel plus, mais est ce sur le Site “Frandroid” que tu avais fait paraitre One Device ?

    Car si c’est le cas je crois que tu n’y apparais plus …

    Pour ce qui est de faire un peu de COM je me suis permis d’écrir à un youtubeur (je ne le site pas pour le moment car je ne sais pas si j’ai la (ça) permission de le nommé).

    in reply to: Project update 2 : Project progress #789
    OD Points: 181

    Ok, je vais demander dans ce cas. Je ne connais pas de Youtubers personnellement, mais avec la période actuelle cela représentera peut être pour eu l opportunité de créer de nouveaux contenus en plus.

    in reply to: Project update 2 : Project progress #784
    OD Points: 181

    Salut Pierre,

    Une idée me vient a l’esprit.

    Est possible de passer par des Youtubers ?
    Non pas ceux qui font les unboxing de nouvelles techs (quoi que…)
    Mais d autres qui aurait une communauté bien développé bien a l écoute (cela resterai en fin de compte des influenceurs quand même…)

    Là où je souhaite en venir c est grossièrement des Youtubers qui serrai séduits par le concepte tous comme nous 🙂

    Et puis après ça avec leur liens ils exposeraient tous simplement le compteur d “OD Points” lol

    Le tous serait juste de tenter le diable et de faire du rentre dedans après tout… Qui ne tente rien, n a rien …

    A toutes !

    OD Points: 181

    Hello everyone.

    May i suggest for the flash light One idea ?

    If pop UP camera IS hid in the phone to use the main screen as torchlight (like some phones in selfies mode) the screen become white and full brightness (WE have the Eink for desactivating the torchlight mode).


    see you soon.

    in reply to: Name ideas? #702
    OD Points: 181

    Hey Pierre !

    How are you ?

    I’m glad, “work in progress” 🙂

    I have an idea.

    Why don’t we use a part of your slogan.

    “SENSE ONE” or “OSENSE ONE” (O ==> Oreason)

    Hope this idea could help you 🙂

    See you !

    • This reply was modified 5 years ago by Oraiser.
    in reply to: Low-Spec model? #666
    OD Points: 181

    I agree this idea, but if we can have a good screen and good camera too 🙂

    in reply to: Updated design. Tell us what you think. #665
    OD Points: 181


    Is it possible to place the pop up buton of the camera on the top ?

    Put a pushing buton on the top for release the camera / OR push on the camera to release it and push angain on it, to fold it back.

    I have a bad feeling of a manual remote on the side of the phone :s (because of the friction in the pockets)

    We have to think of eventual bupers or protective cases that may cause difficulties to reach it on the side.

    in reply to: Updated design. Tell us what you think. #662
    OD Points: 181

    Sorry Pierre,

    But What is the meaning of the red arrow with 90° ?

    This is not 180° for the rotating motion ?

    in reply to: Updated design. Tell us what you think. #645
    OD Points: 181

    Hey Pierre.

    I see and i’m okay with this idea.

    It seems to be cool.

    I may understand that we manually pop up the camera (yes ? i’m still ok) ?

    And thanks to that system no risk to break the camera (inside the phone) great.

    • This reply was modified 5 years ago by Oraiser.
    in reply to: Necessary features of desktop mode #597
    OD Points: 181

    Hey, technologie is evolving and when you see laptop thiner like a note book i begin to beleve in your idea.

    Maybe you Can imagine an accesory which Can improuve the laptop mode and being transportable in a pocket

    If it Can replace my laptop when this last One will leave me…

    in reply to: Diverses réflexions sur le projet #581
    OD Points: 181

    Me too !

    May be for selfies, and drain more batterie.

    It has got some tricks between the 2 sceens.

    But peoples can have the same question with E ink screen.

    From now you can use reading mode on smartphones (sure this is not saving batteries like ink screen).

    in reply to: Camera #580
    OD Points: 181


    Curently, sony has got some issues to for ressonding to all his smartphones manufacturers…

    But yes it s a good camera.

    I don’t know for the idea of remouving the cam motor, i think we could create more risk to break the device and it s less practicle to activate manualy the selfie camera.

    On Zenfone 6 accelerometer fold back the camera.

    It could be better to use the rear screen to take photo (but maybe not possible with e ink screen ?).

    in reply to: Diverses réflexions sur le projet #560
    OD Points: 181

    Update wrong link…

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 27 total)