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  • in reply to: Account's password in plain text #710
    OD Points: 1,246

    Glad you like it!
    For the user management I use a well known wordpress plugin which is secure. I checked and they confirm the password are not stored as plain text and are stored securely.
    For the automatic email, I just checked and removed it from it.


    • This reply was modified 5 years ago by Pierre.
    in reply to: Website error #709
    OD Points: 1,246

    Hi GRR,
    Sorry about that. For the point system I use a wordpress plugin, I guess it’s can be a bug from the interface.

    Also maybe when they registered they did not had the referal tag in the URL? I’m not sure how this plugin works.

    Can you please contact me by email to tell me the email of your friends and I will fix your point total.

    Have a good day,


    OD Points: 1,246

    Le flash sera sur le module de la caméra. Du coup deux option pour pouvoir utiliser en lampe torche. Soit deux LED flash, une avec la camera et une sur la face dessus du smartphone. Soit un système de miroir pour faire monter la lumière quand la caméra est repliée.

    La rotation sera manuelle aussi pour garder la chose le plus simple possible.

    • This reply was modified 5 years ago by Pierre.
    OD Points: 1,246

    Yes I know, but first you have to unlock your screen before being able to swipe to open the camera app.
    Ok on newest phone screen turns on by itself when you pick up the phone.

    • This reply was modified 5 years ago by Pierre.
    • This reply was modified 5 years ago by Pierre.
    in reply to: Updated design. Tell us what you think. #667
    OD Points: 1,246

    That’s a good idea, I have not thought of that. Pushing the camera to make it pop up. A bit like clicky pen mechanism.
    I don’t know which would be the most reliable mechanism. For the manual slide button on the side, there might be a problem with dust going inside the phone. This need to be studied further

    in reply to: Low-Spec model? #664
    OD Points: 1,246

    Hi Blockbuster,
    I think what you describe is indeed interesting and could meet lot of people expectation. I have been thinking about this solution too.

    in reply to: Updated design. Tell us what you think. #663
    OD Points: 1,246

    Yeah I am wrong it’s 180° not 90° 🙂

    in reply to: Updated design. Tell us what you think. #655
    OD Points: 1,246

    @Matuki in my drawing we can do this with a thickness of about 11mm. This if we use LCD. If we can get AMOLED we reduce by about 1mm.
    Also I think there is room for improvement of my drawings.
    Anyway we will have to have a thicker phone as if we want to fit a nice battery in there we need some space.

    Making the camera rotating is not so difficult in fact. And as Matuki said, it’s very usefull for videocall.

    in reply to: Updated design. Tell us what you think. #647
    OD Points: 1,246

    Yes manually pop the camera. This way there’s no motor, it reduce complexity, cost and potential failures. And on top of that manual means that we can activate the camera by sliding it up. Rather than unlocking phone, then open camera app which will pop up the module.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by Pierre.
    in reply to: OneDevice caracteristics #611
    OD Points: 1,246

    The plan is to make a CNC aluminium case. For protective cases, we will make one ourself and make it available on our website. I’m designing trying to keep things easy to repair and will keep spare parts available on my website (same as I do for 8BCraft game consoles).

    About water resistance, I fear we won’t be able to have it. As this feature requires a lot of development, tooling and so on. Also to be waterresistant you must use glue to fix the screen so that water does not go in. But using glue makes the device much more difficult to repair.

    For camera, the camera module suppliers usually provide the optimized driver parts for their modules. So we should be able to get good quality pictures rather easily 🙂

    in reply to: Present yourself! #610
    OD Points: 1,246

    Merci pour ton retour sur la RAM! c’est très intéressant. A voir si 8Go tiennent dans le même package que 4Go et que le surcout est acceptable je pense partir pour.

    Pour la batterie je pensais justement faire le boitier en aluminium fraisé et laissé une paroi collée au SoC pour faire dissipateur thermique. Ca semble assez pertinent.

    Pour la caméra c’est une question qui est en pleine réflexion. D’un coté il y a le soft et de l’autre le hardware. Pour le soft en effet Gcam semble pertinent. Et pour le hardware je regardais les différents fournisseurs et je pensais partir sur quelque chose de ce type :

    in reply to: Plastic or glass for the back ereader panel? #608
    OD Points: 1,246

    @Matuki plastic can scratch more easily than glass. That’s the main issue with using a plastic front.
    We could actually use plastic for both screens. But it gives a cheap aspect to the phone… The yota2 back panel does feel really good being glass.
    I’m still thinking on it.

    Hi! Yes you are right, mate is definitly necessary. Black borders yes too. 🙂

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by Pierre.
    in reply to: Super projet #596
    OD Points: 1,246

    On est environ a 1500 personnes. Ce qui est déjà énorme!
    En janvier il devrait y avoir un article dans un grand média américain qui devrait faire augmenter fortement le nombre de personnes 🙂
    De plus je suis actuellement en train de creuser sur des méthodes pour pouvoir industrialiser une quantité plus petite pour pouvoir lancer le projet plus vite.

    in reply to: Camera #595
    OD Points: 1,246

    @Matuki not sure about wide range and true zoom.

    @Oraison yes I seen that sony cameras can’t meet market need. Thanks to 20-cameras-phones.
    Yes it’s possible to use the eink to take pictures (on yotaphone it’s possible) but maybe for video call it’s not so great.

    in reply to: Necessary features of desktop mode #593
    OD Points: 1,246

    Je suis tout à fait d’accord! Idéalement encore mieux serait de pouvoir faire tourner toutes les applications nativement sur Android, mais en attendant Shadow est en effet une super solution!

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by Pierre.
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