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  • in reply to: Moderator, please act ! #1676
    OD Points: 1,246

    Sorry for the spam bots. I removed them.
    And yes sorry I indeed do not come so often on the forum because things got quite slow for the project so I came less and less often.
    Besides I had to find other projects to work on as I can’t just stare at my screen all day hoping things would unblock by themselves.
    So right now I’m mostly working on a desk project (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1EpBJpFZCKw), which doesn’t suffer from the crazy-high smartphone MOQ.

    Also since I saw the Balmuda phone, this gives a big hope, because this means that there is finally a screen in production with the correct size that we can use for the project. So that may unblock things!

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by Pierre.
    in reply to: Name ideas? #1675
    OD Points: 1,246

    Intéressant comme nom !

    in reply to: Project update 3 : New renders and website being prepared. #1674
    OD Points: 1,246

    Hi and sorry for the late reply.
    We have a bit more but the progression is slow.
    From my experience, crowdfunding platform do not bring many users. If you just launch on kickstarter without having found interested people before, you reach 0 people. There’s no magic happening on kickstarter, I don’t think we would get 500 backers coming from Kickstarter.
    So yes getting more people on board is the best way to make it happen.

    in reply to: Revenir a l'essentiel. #1660
    OD Points: 1,246

    Salut à tous!
    Désolé j’ai été un peu déconcentré depuis quelques temps car le projet semblait un peu bloqué pour différente raisons. (J’ai travaillé sur un projet de bureau-PC : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1EpBJpFZCKw)
    Mais l’existence de ce smartphone Balmuda est une super nouvelle car maintenant il existe l’écran 16/9 OLED de 4.9″ a bord rond qui conviendrait parfaitement à OneDevice. Il s’agit de ce modèle je pense : https://www.panelook.com/TA049VGHM01_Tianma_4.9_OLED_overview_47476.html
    C’est une super nouvelle car l’absense d’écran de cette taille était le principal problème car développer un nouvel écran est très couteux.
    Je vais me repencher sur le projet avec ces nouvelles données !

    OD Points: 1,246

    Bonjour à tous!
    Désolé pour ne pas avoir donné de nouvelles récemment.
    Le projet est pour l’instant un peu bloqué malheureusement.
    Le problème étant que pour réaliser le projet comme il est présenté il faudrait des fonds très importants (environ 8-10M €) ce qui est en grande parti due aux minimums de commande élevés. J’ai passé pas mal de temps à chercher des investisseurs/partenaire industriels, mais ca fait une grosse levée d’argent donc ils ont peur.
    Pour pallier au manque d’investisseur, un lancement en crowdfunding pourrait être envisageable si on était suffisamment nombreux (il faudrait environ 15000 – 20000 backers). Mais pour l’instant il n’y a qu’environ 4000 personnes sur la mailing liste.
    En faisant de nombreux compromis (pas d’écran aux bords ronds (donc bordures en haut et en bas plus grandes et taille moins minimale), SoC Mediatek, caméra correct mais pas au niveau flagship, pas de eink et autres.) on pourrait sortir une version avec un budget plus réstreint.
    Mais j’ai peur qu’en faisant tous ces compromis, on se retrouve avec quelque chose qui n’intéressera plus les 4000 personnes qui suivent le projet.
    Bref pas de solution évidente pour l’instant. La solution la mieux serait de faire grandire la communauté, mais c’est plus facile à dire qu’à faire!

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by Pierre.
    in reply to: Project update 2 : Project progress #1525
    OD Points: 1,246

    Bonjour à vous!

    @Raspac, vous avez raison, faire une version plus simple est surement plus réalisable. C’est une idée qui me trotte dans la tête depuis quelques temps.
    Ca peut en effet être la voie à suivre.

    in reply to: Updated design. Tell us what you think. #1489
    OD Points: 1,246

    Je pense que le mécanisme peut être très durable car c’est similaire aux stylos qui clique. Si le mécanisme est en métal ca peut être infatigable.
    On va faire des prototypes pour tester en tout cas.

    in reply to: Project update 2 : Project progress #1488
    OD Points: 1,246

    @Bionika03 I think russia will be one of the main target as there are many yotaphone lovers there. So we will definitly release it there.
    Glad you like the concept 🙂

    in reply to: Updated design. Tell us what you think. #1459
    OD Points: 1,246

    Making one is already difficult 🙂
    A line up of different size is not for right now unfortunately.

    in reply to: Project update 2 : Project progress #1397
    OD Points: 1,246

    Everyone will be like “oh Apple had such a clever idea” again.

    in reply to: Target audience ? #1396
    OD Points: 1,246

    Thanks for your message and analysis.
    I think you are mostly right. It’s hard to satisfy everyone and it’s likely to end up satisfying no one.

    Also I’m aware that this small phone project will be very appealing for the “technophobe” people like you. It’s like the Keydock project, using smartphone as computer is great specially for technophobe people as they have a very light usage of computer which can be 100% replaced by smartphones (internet browsing, editing documents, youtube/netflix…).
    But my big issue with technophobe people is that they are very hard to reach because by definition they care little about new devices… So getting them excited about a new smartphone to the point of subscribing on a website is actually very hard.

    I think if Onedevice was already available at local stores like Fnac, Darty and so on, it would probably meet a great success. But the issue is that to get there we need to convince a lot of people (investors, distributors) and those people want the project to be already successful before being convinced.

    So yes it’s not entirely straight forward, but we’ll get there.

    in reply to: Present yourself! #1389
    OD Points: 1,246

    Hi Bakuda!
    Welcome 🙂

    in reply to: Plastic or glass for the back ereader panel? #1388
    OD Points: 1,246

    I agree that the yota2 matte glass look really dashing and this is currently my go-to option.

    OD Points: 1,246

    It’s difficult to say precisely.

    Currently we are close to 3000 subscribers. Which is really great but not enough yet.

    To launch OneDevice with round corners display as it is currently designed, it would require a substantial funding. Either being around 30 000 people and launch on Kickstarter. Either raising funds. But raising this much funds is difficult.

    Another way that I’m currently considering, is to develop the smartphone using regular square corner LCD. This would mean that we will have a bezel on top of the display similar to the bottom one. Or that the phone itself will have square angles on top which may look strange.
    On top of that using a SoC that I can get access to reference design (not a snapdragon). Then the minimum production quantity and development cost can drop such that project can happen in 6 months. But it will not look as dashing as current designs and be slightly bigger. Though this could be a first step, then raising funds would be much easier and we’ll be able to make a very high end smartphone then.

    in reply to: Hisense A6 #1372
    OD Points: 1,246

    I actually don’t know if it’s very popular. Currently I use it as daily driver to assess quality and issues. If you have any question I can answer them!

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