Necessary features of desktop mode

Forums Desktop mode Necessary features of desktop mode

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  • #273
    OD Points: 1,246

    Here’s a list of the necessary features to get a desktop mode that can really replace computers :

    – Resizable windows
    – Keyboard shortcuts (ctrl+C, Alt+F4, Win+L …)
    – Resolution setup
    – File browser
    – Run linux applications natively
    – Run windows programs natively.
    – Share data/programs with the mobile interface
    – Switch automatically

    OD Points: 663

    I see that you want to run Linux and Windows programs in Desktop Mode.
    Maybe it’s a little bit too high as expectations no ?
    I mean, as long as you can access your datas, you don’t need those programs. A COMPLETE laptop replacement seems too much premature to me.

    Both worlds can coexist. You share your datas in the cloud and access them with one or the other platform. Smooth and easy. There’s plenty of apps today that can do that.

    In my opinion, the only “reachable” replacement now is with office use: text, mail, internet, etc. The high demanding tasks (3d design, music creation, video, etc) still needed dedicated computers (any OS).

    But, technically speaking, your list is right 😉

    OD Points: 1,246

    Yes you are right, the ‘office use’ replacement is already possible today. I’m using a honor view 20 on Keydock now, and it works very well. The real only problem is accessibility to windows applications that I have to use in my work.

    What I meant by running linux/windows programs was to setup some kind of built-in emulator like Exagear/wine in order to be able to emulate windows programs that are not much power intensive.

    About power, I guess smartphones indeed don’t have powerfull GPU. But yet when you see some Android games, you wonder how well FreeCad or other CAD software would run. If emulated probably not so well, but if built for Android?

    OD Points: 663

    Ok, i see your point. And i totally agree 🙂
    I Was looking for a laptop replacement but i needed some video encoding and it was not possible with a phone…

    One solution, maybe, will be to use a remote pc like Shadow ? I don’t know what it can do with a Solidworks but as long as you can play some games…

    OD Points: 1,246

    Yes, and with their new price at 15€/month it has become much more accessible. I made a video showing a bit of shadow on desktop mode :

    Video is in french but it’s quite self explanatory.

    OD Points: 143

    Yeah, I also think that remote PC is the future. Why bother trying to recreate everything in one small device, if you can just connect to anything you want?

    OD Points: 1,246

    I agree with you. The thing is that most people already have computers, so it seem that they are reluctant to change their situation. So it may take a while for it to happen.

    OD Points: 640

    Trouver un partenariat avec Shadow ?

    Le rêve, avoir un smartphone docker avec connectivité pour clavier souris, double écran 🙂

    On lance Shadow et boom un vrai Pc 🙂

    OD Points: 1,246

    Je suis tout à fait d’accord! Idéalement encore mieux serait de pouvoir faire tourner toutes les applications nativement sur Android, mais en attendant Shadow est en effet une super solution!

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by Pierre.
    OD Points: 181

    Hey, technologie is evolving and when you see laptop thiner like a note book i begin to beleve in your idea.

    Maybe you Can imagine an accesory which Can improuve the laptop mode and being transportable in a pocket

    If it Can replace my laptop when this last One will leave me…

    OD Points: 943

    Mais la généralisation du PC déporté a-t-il un avenir à court / moyen / long terme???

    OD Points: 105

    I bought a Samsung S20 because I wanted to try programming on Dex to replace my laptop but I was very disappointed. I tried Code server which run a VSCode instance but it was not usable.

    Maybe it will be better with Github Codespaces.

    OD Points: 943

    L’open-source n’ouvre pas certaines possibilités?

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