Fonctionnent du double écrans

Forums E-reader back screen Fonctionnent du double écrans

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  • #1045
    OD Points: 6,807

    Understand perfectly.

    Btw i saw that color eink is not as expensive and thick as you think. Is about the same thickness of a normal eink + it cost 20% more. A good choice

    OD Points: 1,246

    If it’s only 20% more and same thickness than yes it would definitly be interesting.

    OD Points: 6,807

    Considering the fact for a “Pro” version, the color e ink feature would be smashing! The 50/100€ most worth investiment ever for the user thats interested in.

    Having a fully functional fast color e ink, no power consumption, read any activity under sunlight finally without have to squint the eyes or search for a shadow spot hided by the sun, but in completely sunlight, no more eye strain and head pain/nausea, projected into the future, paper feeling… An user will use it more than the LCD Display definetly.
    Then the LCD will be used 10% of the time, to Watch YouTube videos while at the bathroom, to upload the amazing photos took from the amazing cam.
    E-ink is the future for “everyday mixed usage”. E-ink is the Harry Potter paper we all realized than now that dream come true! Its on our pocket… At our disposal..

    OD Points: 943

    Vu que l’e-link est en développement, il est sans doute intéressant de réfléchir à l’intégrer pour la sortie du projet, car le marché aura sans doute vu sortir des produits avec le temps que le onedevice sorte. Et les 20% actuellement relevés ne seront peut-être plus a ce niveau à la sortie du téléphone.

    OD Points: 943

    le nouveau “HiSense A5” faisant fonctionner Android avec un écran E-link aurait, selon les tests, une autonomie de 10 jours

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